
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

UNIX Command Summary

ls ................. show directory, in alphabetical order

logout ............. logs off system

mkdir .............. make a directory

rmdir .............. remove directory (rm -r to delete folders with files)

rm ................. remove files

cd ................. change current directory

man (command) ...... shows help on a specific command

talk (user) ........ pages user for chat - (user) is a email address

write (user) ....... write a user on the local system (control-c to end)

pico (filename) .... easy to use text editor to edit files

pine ............... easy to use mailer

more (file) ........ views a file, pausing every screenful

sz ................. send a file (to you) using zmodem

rz ................. recieve a file (to the unix system) using zmodem

telnet (host) ...... connect to another Internet site

ftp (host) ......... connects to a FTP site

archie (filename) .. search the Archie database for a file on a FTP site

irc ................ connect to Internet Relay Chat

lynx ............... a textual World Wide Web browser

gopher ............. a Gopher database browser

tin, trn ........... read Usenet newsgroups

passwd ............. change your password

chfn ............... change your "Real Name" as seen on finger

chsh ............... change the shell you log into

grep ............... search for a string in a file

tail ............... show the last few lines of a file

who ................ shows who is logged into the local system

w .................. shows who is logged on and what they're doing

finger (emailaddr).. shows more information about a user

df ................. shows disk space available on the system

du ................. shows how much disk space is being used up by folders

chmod .............. changes permissions on a file

bc ................. a simple calculator

make ............... compiles source code

gcc (file.c) ....... compiles C source into a file named 'a.out'

gzip ............... best compression for UNIX files

zip ................ zip for IBM files

tar ................ combines multiple files into one or vice-versa

lharc, lzh, lha .... un-arc'ers, may not be on your system

dos2unix (file) (new) - strips CR's out of dos text files

unix2dos (file) (new) - adds CR's to unix text files

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