
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Unable to log in to GUI using root account Fedora

In Fedora Linux root log in is not allowed in GUI by default, if you want to enable the same then please follow below steps.

Step1: Login to Terminal using root account

Step2: Change Directory to /etc/pam.d

            cd /etc/pam.d

Step3: Take back up of two files inside pam.d direcory
  1. gdm
  2. gdm-password
 Note: in Linux it is strongly recommended to take back up of any file before making any changes

Step4: Open file “gdm” using text editor

            vi gdm

Step5: Comment the line "auth required user != root quiet" by adding a # symbol in the beginning of the line

            #auth required user != root quiet

            Note: # meant to comment that line so that it won't be considered as an input from that file

Step6: Open file “gdm-password” using text editor

            vi gdm-password

Step7: Comment the line "auth required user != root quiet" by adding a # symbol in the beginning of the file

            #auth required user != root quiet

Step8: Congrats you are done, now just log in to GUI as root user J

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