
Thursday, December 29, 2011

HOW TO: Integrate Service Pack 1 into a Office 2003 Installation

Step 1: Create an administrative installation distribution share of Office 2003
1. Insert the Office System 2003 CD into your drive, and run the following command "X:\SETUP.EXE /a" from the Run box, X: is the physical drive your CD drive is assigned.
2. Enter Organization Name and Product Key section when prompted. You also need to choose the installation path of where you want the installation files to store (Because you run Setup with the /a argument, the windows installation service will only copying files to the Install Location you specified to create an Administrative Installation Point, and does not actually install Office 2003 to the system).
3. Accept the EULA ( End User License Agreement ) and continue. The installation will start.
4. Click "Finish" when prompt.
5. All files need to launch office 2003 setup is being copied in to the folder you have been selected.
Step 2:  Obtain the latest service pack for Office 2003
Microsoft Office 2003 service packs provide the latest updates to Office 2003. Service packs contain security enhancements and improvements in stability and performance. You can obtain the latest service pack for Office 2003 from the link below.;en-us;870924
Step 3: Extract the Service Pack files
1. Locate the Service Pack file you have been obtained by Step 2. The file name should be like this "Office2003SP1-kb842532-fullfile-enu.exe". ( You need get the fullfile version of the Service Pack to be able to slipstream.)
2. Extract the Service Pack files by using a 3rd party extraction tool such as WinZip. You will get the MSP patch file of the Office 2003
Step 4: Apply Service Pack into the installation files
1. Type the following command in the Command Prompt Console Window : "msiexec /p C:\SP1\MAINSP1ff.msp /a C:\Office2003\PRO11.msi". This command will integrate Service Pack into Office 2003 installation files. You can add /L arguments at last of the command to generate a logfile of integration progress. ( Please adjust the command matching your situation)
2. When finished, You can also update the OWC ( Office Web Component ) by running "msiexec /p G:\Office2003SP1\OWC11SP1ff.msp /a G:\Office2003\OWC11.MSI"
The Service Pack has now been integrated into your Office 2003 Administrative Installation destribution share. You can run setup to install Office 2003 with Service Pack.
You can also integrated updates with ther applications by this method when you got a MSP Patching file for the application

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